Monday, September 28, 2009

This Week [40] Motivation

Life isn't about finding yourself...
Life is about CREATING yourself...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This Week [39] Motivation

Work doesn't hurt anybody!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

MySQL - Searching for database

If you want to find mysql db files then run this:

# find / -name "*.MYI" -exec ls -al {} \;

this will find any file that has extension MYI (one of mysql table files)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

MySQL - Create/password user

1. Creating a new user. Login as root. Switch to the MySQL db. Make the user. Update privs.

# mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password) VALUES('%','username',PASSWORD('password'));
mysql> flush privileges;

2. Change a users password from unix shell.

# [mysql dir]/bin/mysqladmin -u username -h -p password 'new-password'

MySQL - Backup database

The mysqldump utility can be found in the /usr/local/bin directory on Unix/Linux systems where MySQL is installed.

mysqldump -p [db name] > [db name.dmp]

MySQL - Basic command for support

This is a list of MySQL commands that I use time and time again.

1. to login
mysql -u root -p
2. to list all databases
mysql> show databases;
3. switch to a databases
mysql> use [db name];
4. to see all table in database
mysql> show tables;
5. to see database's field formats
mysql> describe [table name];

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cisco PIX - Introduction 1


1. Use to prevent our network wide open from attack
2. PIX firewall range has a wide variety of add on cards
3. can work hand in hand with the Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)
4. PIX come in several form factors range:

a. 501
  • cheapest and smallest firewall - SOHO
  • support up to 7500 concurrent connections
  • 60Mbps throughput
  • interfaces- 10/100BASE-T Ethernet interface for the outside connection (100BASE-T is only in version 6.3)
  • four-port 10/100 switch for the inside interfaces
  • It can also support up to 10 simultaneous VPN connections
  • It does not support any failover at all.

This Week [37] Motivation

Focus on important things...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mac OS X - Handy trick to eject a CD/DVD

New Mac OS X server do not have any manual eject button for their DVD. I also didn't find any paperclip-sized hole to manually eject the disc. I open DVD player to use button eject in such way looking for solutions.

After spending some time googling I did discover a way to do it from the command line without having to reboot:

drutil eject

will eject out the disc. Problem solved.