Sunday, August 23, 2009

This Week [35] Motivation

Try to make at least one small change each day/week. The smallest things can make a big impact.

Friday, August 21, 2009

CCNA - Course Goal

" To provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to install, operate and troubleshoot a small network"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hobby - Photoshop

Edit Sport Day's Pictures

1. Crop the picture
2. Alt + Shift + Control + L for Auto Contrast
3. Shift + Control + L for Auto Levels
4. Shift + Control + B for Auto Color
5. Save

Back Up a Packetshaper Configuration

1. At MS-DOS prompt, create a directory where the backup files will be stored
2. Go to the newly created directory
3. ftp
[packetshaper ip address]
4. Press Enter to bypass the user name.
5. Enter the unit’s touch password
6. cd /cfg
get config.ldi
8. quit

Referring links ->

CCNA - Lab practices -WLC

Backup WLC running config

Using Putty
1. show sysinfo
2. show running-config
3. show cdp neighbors
4. show wlan summary
5. show interface summary
6. logout

Using https
1. Start tftp server services
2. log into https://
3. Go to Commands-> Upload File
4. Select
File Type -> Configuration
Transfer Mode -> TFTP
IP Address -> put tftp server ip address
File Name -> wlc_config_put date (180809)
5. Click button "Upload"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CCNA - Lab practices - TFTP

Copying the Running Configuration to a TFTP Server

1. Solarwinds TFTP Server
2. Putty/MS Dos for telnet

1. Disable Windows firewall

copy running-config tftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [mdce1as01-confg]?

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Mobile Dictionary

1. pursuance - (an attempt to accomplish or attain) search, quest, pursuit
~ Business pursuant to Business Registration Act(ROB)

2.  errands - 1. A short trip taken to perform a specified task 2. The purpose or object of an errand
~ When making a trip with multiple stops, such as running errands, start by making the longest leg of your trip first.

CCNA - Lab practices - Putty->console

Performing Cisco coreswitch configuration backup using putty-console.

1. sh running-config
2. sh cdp neighbors
3. sh vlan
4. sh interfaces status

Get Certified!

In today's information age, technologies are constantly being updated, and the skills and knowledge of the past quickly become out of date and no longer relevant. A knowledge-based workforce must continuously strive to equip itself with new skills in order to meet the rapid changes and the demands of the workplace.

I believed certifications will give us confidence and improve our overall performances, mitigate risk and remove uncertainty. I've come to a point now where I want to kick my career up the next level, and make networking my primary discipline. I am planning to go for technology based certification such as CCNA, LPI and CDCP.

The only way I am going to succeed with my career plan is if I really do know the technology, if I really do know how to solve problems, and how to really add value to the organizations I want to work for. Simply memorizing things for an easy test is not going to get me anywhere.

This is achieved through responsibility, commitment and motivation. I hope this Unit3d Study Sheet as myself study journal to success.

Certified as a measure of knowledge and professional. Get it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This Week [34] Motivation

If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished. One thing I can't recycle is wasted time.