Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Linux CLI - How to broadcast a message to all users - using wall

1. As the main input of wall is a file, we will first create our message file.Type :

$ echo 'Please note that in two more hours, and for one hour, you will not be able to use the SQL database, please save all your job before, and quit any application using it'> message.txt

2. OK, now we have our message ready, it is time to send it to the users

$ wall < message.txt

 Try yourself!!!

This Week [47] Motivation

If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday,
laying flowers on its grave by the hour,
you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This Week [46] Motivation

If you want something you never had,
do something you have never done.

Don't go the way life takes you,
take the life the way you go.

And remember you are born to live and 
not living because you are born.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hobby - Cubik Cube 3x3

This is the faster and easier way I found how to solve this historical world phenomena.
There are only 6 algorithm to solve this cube.

1. Ri Di R D
2. U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
3. Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi
4. F R U Ri Ui Fi
5. R U Ri U R U U Ri
6. U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L

 Need to memories.
1. The center edges is the colour references
2. Remember the algorithm

F is front side
R is right side
L is left side
U is upper side
D is down side
i is inverter

Procudure :
1. Choose white side as your base side
2. Solve this white cross and first;two layer edges
3. When you get white cross on the top, use algorithm 1 to solve the first top layer.
4. The when the white base and 1st layer solve, turn the white base as a down side.
5. To solve 2nd layer, choose the edge and the center with the same color. Then,
   5a. if the edges opposite is same as a right side; use algorithm 2
   5b. if the edges opposite is same as a left side; use algorithm 3
6. After 1st and 2nd layer solve, you need to get upper side cross - yellow cross. To get this, use algorithm 4. Repeat the algorithm until you get the yellow cross.
7. Next use algorithm 5 to get 4 side's edges at 3rd layer same color as the center color. You will get top yellow cross and 3rd layer edges color on the right place.

8. Then use algorithm 6 to get 4 corner pieces at the right place. This time the color is at right place but did not match with the center color. But don't worry...
9. Repeat algorithm 1 to match the 4 corner pieces with the center color.

It is amazing.. it have done.. try yourself..

p/s - for Putrajaya resident.. give me a call for consultancy..

This Week [45] Motivation

One of the most satisfying thing in the life is the knowledge that there is always room fro growth within.
Every moment, everyday of our lives there are new things to learn.
There's always room for personal growth.

For a start, be true to yourself and accept this as a fact.
Personal growth achieves a level of heightened awareness that brings mind, body and spirit together in harmony.
This means being in better control of our lives.

As the year go by when we look back, be proud of the growth path we took on our journey through life. Let us take one day at a time, rejoicing and be glad of the blessings that come our way each day.