Yesterday is a big trouble and very urgent. Do not know why, the are conflict in processing when my previous version for mysql is still running and cannot being kill. It conflict in --port=3306 so the website cannot find the socket.
0:01.14 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data --user=mysql --log-error=/usr/local/mysql/data/ --pid-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/ --socket=/var/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306
I detect it when check it out :
ps xa | grep mysql
ps -aef | grep mysql
the we can check it using:
netstat -ln | grep mysql
What I am doing yesterday is:
kill - 9 PIDNo - cannot
kill -15 PIDNo - the server restarted
so no others choice.
1. first and important - BACKUP the database first!!! and copy in /users/admin folder
mysqldump -p [db name] > [backup.dmp]
2. remove the previous version that disturbing the process
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*
3. install new version of mysql
4. relink the socket
sudo ln -s /var/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock
5. create and restore the databas
e using mysqldump
mysql> CREATE database xxxxa;mysql -u #username# -p #xxxxa# < #backup.dmp#
6. set password for -u root
$ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
7. change database name at dbconnect.php
Refering to :
mysqld, also known as MySQL Server, is the main program that does most of the work in a MySQL installation.
mysqld program has many options that can be specified at startup. For a complete list of options, run this command:
shell> mysqld --verbose --help
When connecting to a MySQL server located on the local system, the mysql client connects thorugh a local file called a socket instead of connecting to the localhost loopback address For the mysql client, the default location of this socket file is /tmp/mysql.sock.
Link :
To uninstall MySQL and completely remove it (including all databases) from your Mac do the following:
- Use mysqldump to backup your databases to text files!
- Stop the database server
- sudo rm /usr/local/mysql
- sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*
- sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM
- sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*
- edit /etc/hostconfig and remove the line MYSQLCOM=-YES-
- rm -rf ~/Library/PreferencePanes/My*
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/mysql*
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/MySQL*
The last two lines are particularly important as otherwise, you can't install an older version of MySQL even though you think that you've completely deleted the newer version!
Link :
Unix Post-Installation Procedures
Link :
Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server
Link :
How to Protect or Change the MySQL Unix Socket File
Link : -
I am not trying this yet.